Every day in Australia, 8.6 people take their own lives. An estimated 65,000 Australians make a suicide attempt every year.
RUOK? Day is about “creating a world where we’re all connected and protected from suicide.”
This 14th September, you might like to reach out to someone close to you who you think might be struggling. You don’t need to be an expert on mental health. Simply asking someone “Are you okay?” shows you care about them.
You might like to use the four steps below.
Read real-life stories about people who were asked RUOK?
How To Ask RUOK?
1. Ask R U OK?
2. Listen with an open mind
3. Encourage action and offer support
4. Check in later how things are going
If you yourself are struggling, you might like to reach out to a trusted friend and share how you’ve been feeling. This can be a huge step, so we recommend accessing professional help to support you in your journey.