• AB Clinical Psychology

    Mental Health


Anxiety is the body’s normal response to a perceived threat or danger. At times, it can become overwhelming and keep us from engaging in day-to-day activities. This is when it may be considered a disorder. Typical symptoms may include:

  • Increased heart rate, shortness of breath, sweating, numbness, pins and needles, muscle tension, aches and pains
  • Negative thinking often future focussed
  • Obsessive and intrusive worries with associated ritualistic compulsions
  • Difficulty sleeping, changes in libido, decreased/increased appetite

If you think you are experiencing any of these things and feel you may need some assistance with anxiety, book now

Stress & Adjustment Disorders

Life presents a myriad of hurdles and challenges that test our ability to cope. When we are experiencing persistent and marked emotional distress that is impacting our daily routine within three months of experiencing a major stressor, this is referred to as an Adjustment Disorder. Typical symptoms may include:

  • Extreme stress, feeling overwhelmed and anxious
  • Sense of hopelessness, depressed mood
  • Difficulty concentrating, impulsivity

If you are feeling any of these or would like further information, book now

Mood Disorders

Emotions are a normal part of life. However at times they can become persistent and intense, and be coupled with a complete disturbance of daily routine. Symptoms of disordered mood can be:

  • Feelings of hopeless, guilt, listlessness, lack of enjoyment, suicidal ideation
  • Deterioration in focus, increase/decrease in appetite, decreased motivation, libido and/or energy
  • Trouble sleeping or excessive sleep
  • In rare cares, persistent elated mood, agitation, irritability, impulsivity

If you think you’ve noticed symptoms of a mood disorder, book now for assistance on how to manage.

PTSD & Trauma

A traumatic event is one involving exposure to actual or threatened death,  serious injury, or sexual violation. Everyone responds to trauma differently and not all experiences with traumatic events result in PTSD. However, if you notice the following symptoms persisting for longer than a month, it may be indicative of a disorder:

  • Re-living the traumatic experience through memories, flashbacks or nightmares
  • Avoiding reminders of the event
  • Negative thoughts and feelings
  • Increased anxiety, being easily startled or on the look-out for danger
  • Sleep difficulties

Burnout and Workplace Injuries

Some pressure and stress in the workplace can be motivating, however, when the challenges become unbearable, it can impede performance and productivity. If you experience any of the following:

  • Physical exhaustion
  • Difficulties sleeping
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulties concentrating
  • Increased irritability
  • Uncontrollable worry
  • Negative view of work and loss of motivation to go each day

If you have suffered injury in the workplace that has impacted your psychological well being, you may be eligible for worker’s compensation and treatment under WorkCover. Please contact us for a confidential discussion.