PMDD is much more than a bad case of PMS. Affecting between 3 and 8% of women, this commonly misunderstood condition can significantly disrupt a woman’s life.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe, chronic form of premenstrual syndrome. It is not caused by a hormonal issue or imbalance; rather, it is the result of the brain responding more sensitively to our hormones in the lead-up to menstruation. 

Symptoms can include:

  • mood changes such as sadness and feelings of worthlessness
  • mood swings or increased irritability
  • anxiety or constantly feeling on edge
  • physical symptoms like breast swelling or tenderness, weight gain, headaches, bloating, or joint pain/muscle aches. 

If you think you may be suffering from PMDD, it’s important to seek help as the symptoms can be mistaken for other conditions. A psychologist can help you explore and manage the symptoms you are experiencing so they don’t disrupt your life.

Helpful Tools for Managing PMDD

1. Me Vs. PMDD

This handy app helps users to track their cycles and symptoms. You and the health professionals who care for you can use this information to better manage your symptoms and see what treatments are working. 

2. IAPMD Website

The International Association for Premenstrual Disorders website has a wealth of resources on managing PMDD, including symptom trackersguides to different treatments, information on what PMDD is and isn’t, videos by experts, information sheets to take to your appointments so you can keep track of treatment plans and your medical history, and more