The festive season might be “the most wonderful time of the year” for some people, but not for 46% of Aussies. Here’s how to boost your mental health this holiday season.

For many people, the festive season conjures up images of extra social and work commitments, financial stress, family conflict, shopping and food preparation. No wonder that nearly half of Aussies say that the festive season can be a tough time for them. 

if you’re already predicting the festive season to be challenging, you’re not alone. Read on for some tips to manage stress and safeguard your mental health this holidays. 

Our Top Tips For Coping with the Festive Season

1. Remember it’s okay to say “no”.

You don’t need to attend every event or gathering, or come for the entire time. Decide on your “window of tolerance”, especially for gatherings where you might feel triggered. 

2. Practise self-care.

Schedule regular time to recharge your batteries, including with people you find supportive (trusted friends, therapists). Try not to compare yourself to others, and remember that nobody’s festive season is perfect (despite what marketers say).

3. Watch how you celebrate. 

Where possible, limit partying and consumption of alcohol, which can worsen mental health. Focus on the things you most value as a way of celebrating.